Years K-6 (Primary) Resources
Love Out Loud OZ
Is a series of engaging videos that can be used for Kindergarten children through to Year 6 that supports the approved GodSpace SRE curriculum
Is a series of engaging videos with puppets that can be used for Kindergarten through to Year 6 that is an approved SRE curriculum.
Are fun and engaging weekly activities for both parents and students from Kindergarten through to Year 6 which follow the approved Connect B2 SRE curriculum.
Catholic SRE
Walking with Jesus Pathways of Discipleship is a Special Religious Education program designed for Catholic Christian students in NSW Public Schools which has been adapted for use at home while face to face lessons are not possible.
Years 7-12 (High School) Resources
Think Faith
Think Faith provides a series of fun and engaging self-paced lessons every week for High School Students, years 7 through to 12, based on the approved Think Faith SRE Curriculum.
Is a unique video series for students in years 9 through to 12 supporting them to explore various questions of faith and Christianity. Please note this content is for year 9+.
Jonah (Scripture Union)
Is a self-paced reading guide through the book of Jonah in the Bible recommended for students in High School Students, years 7 through to 10.
Catholic SRE
Walking with Jesus Pathways of Discipleship is a Special Religious Education program designed for Catholic Christian students in NSW Public Schools which has been adapted for use at home while face to face lessons are not possible.