Survey of Values, Education and Faith in Australia

A new report shows most parents want to be able to choose faith-based values for their kids. Your gift today will help secure that right!

Opposition to SRE remains strong – so you could be fooled into thinking that Australian parents have turned their backs on Christian values.

But a new study from McCrindle Research shows that’s not true. This Survey of Values, Education and Faith in Australia reveals:

  • 99% of people believe it is important to teach values to Australian school students.
  • 84% believe that Christian heritage has been influential in shaping the values we teach children, with almost 60% believing this was “very” or “somewhat” influential.
  • 71% of parents in NSW schools opted in to SRE for their children and it enjoys the overwhelming support of parents, principals and school communities.

This report proves the overwhelming majority of Australian parents want the right to choose a faith-based values education for their kids.